Legacy tech avg statistics
Outdated system failure will cause:
Unable to Operate
Lowered Morale
Lost In Revenue
Outdated system replacement costs:
10 Computers
100 Computers
1000 Computers


Get the tech that keeps business going.
Outdated technology is not easy to recover.

Cloud & On-Prem
Backup Solutions

Protect all of your data, no matter where it roams. NuMSP Cloud Backup is an enterprise-grade direct-to-cloud backup solutions that protects all IT assets to stay compliance regulations including HIPAA, FIPS, FINRA, SOX, GLBA, and CJIS.

Cloud & On-Prem
Software Solutions

Keep your third-party cloud data safe from all forms of harm, inappropriate behavior and loss – quickly, easily and above all, securely. Protect frequently changing business data, so it can be restored quickly and easily in the event of data loss or corruption.

Virtual Cloud
Server Solutions

Technology and users have many issues, nothing is perfect however we have the tools that restore, recover and secure your sensitive data and information. Why leave a disaster to chance when you can count on NuBackup to get your business up and running in minutes.

Cloud & On-Prem
Phone Solutions

Eliminate all the messy cords and legacy jacks powering ancient phone systems. Move your phone system online to reduce your costs, maintenance and management. Get access to time saving remote capabilties and advanced features with our easy setup.

Backup all of your cloud data including email, contacts, files, tasks and calendar data in one place. Drill down through backups by date or keyword search to quickly locate and recover individual items, or restore an entire mailbox, calendar.

Disaster Recovery
as a Service

Backup physical servers and virtual machines to a local appliance before it is replicated to the cloud. The cloud could be a private cloud, NuMSP‘s cloud or a popular third party cloud, such as Google Cloud Platform, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure or IBM Bluemix.


Why Choose Our Solutions

Outsourcing your IT department to the experts at NuMSP protects you from unexpected troubles and unreliable systems. We create innovative, yet effective solutions to help your business run smoothly.

get started
  • Highly Trained Technical Staff

    At a fraction of the cost to hire, train and manage your own internal IT staff.

  • Increase Your Performance

    Our proprietary methods give you the better tools, technology and best practices.

  • Reduce Operational Downtime

    IT experts ensureyour systems are running with proactive monitoring and maintenance.

  • Cross-Industry Expertise

    100+ Technicians and 225+ Certifications, we get the right expertise for your business needs.

  • Dedicated IT Support

    Get answers when you need from remote support specialists and field technicians.

  • Affordable Rates

    Manage your budget and cash flow without unexpected and expensive surprises.

Customer feedback


  • based on 1,332 Entries

Positive 1,224

Neutral 105

Negative 2


Get Valuable Insights on
Information Technology.

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